AUTOS - Online Energized Transformer Dry-Out Systems
Description: Water and combustible gases are enemies of any liquid-filled transformer. When the liquid insulation is wet, it is important to address the fact that 99% of the water in the transformer is in the solid insulation. BaronUSA AUTOS systems are designed to dry and degasify while the transformer remains online. Through the time-proven and superior technology of vacuum processing the AUTOS treats electrical insulating liquids to remove particulate, moisture, and dissolved gases. This complete treatment solution for the liquid has the further effect of suppressing water content levels low enough to improve the moisture levels in the solid insulation system.
System Performance: BaronUSA AUTOS systems are superior to those that use water absorbing media because vacuum dehydration speed is not dependent on the saturation level of any absorbing media or transformer temperature. Nor are there any media regen cycles or expensive water absorbing medias to replace.
The BaronUSA AUTOS efficiently dehydrates and degasifies the transformer’s vital insulation and filters out particulate for a total solution that minimizes online energized drying and/or degasifying time.
Standard Features:
Flow Rate: 75, 150, or 300 or 600 USgph sized to the range of transformers the AUTOS will be applied to.
Standard configuration comes packaged in a bumper pull box trailer with everything needed for automatic, unattended operation.
Safety Features: include fail-closed valves, pressure sensors, level sensors, leak sensors, dry alarm contacts for interface with substation alarms.
Standard Accessories: 40’ inlet and outlet oil hoses, 50’ power cables and O&M manual.
Options and accessories: Many options and accessories are available including an upgrade from the standard oil-sealed vacuum pump to an oil-less dry screw pump, cartridge fullers earth system, ppm water in oil hygrometer, cellular remote monitoring, data logging – and others.
Click on the Baron Autos Unit Flyer to download a single-page flyer.